Full of so much love!!!……
That’s how we can best describe Beth and Dan’s wedding. Their wedding day had a marvelous summer-time, romantic feeling to it with an absolutely gorgeous, blue sky sunny day. We were very excited to photograph their wedding day! Beth and Dan are very good friends of ours and by the nature of what we do, we knew that we would have the special position being so close to them on their wedding day! What friend could ask for more?! We felt so lucky to be immediately nearby to the most intimate emotions of their day.
With the sailboats behind them, Beth and Dan were married by the sea in Victoria at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, with all their closest family and friends surrounding them. During the ceremony, both Beth and Dan’s parents read beautiful poems about love, including “Home and Love” by Robert Service read by Beth’s Dad. And her Mom lovingly read one of her very own poems to the bride and groom.
Beth and Dan both grew up in Cadboro Bay, having had many fun days playing at the beach or at Gyro Park as children, skateboarding or sailing in the bay as teenagers. It was absolutely the perfect setting for their wedding to take place!
Evan, the little Ring Bearer looking a little…terrified, but still cute.
Moments after their touching ceremony… full of so much love!!!
No Cadboro Bay wedding is complete without a few photographs with the Octopus in Gyro Park!! 🙂
Their first dance to “Green Eyes’ by Coldplay
Congratulations Beth and Dan – may your lives together continue to be filled with love, laughter and happiness!!
steff + justin
Home and Love by Robert Service
Just Home and Love! the words are small
Four little letters unto each;
And yet you will not find in all
The wide and gracious range of speech
Two more so tenderly complete:
When angels talk in Heaven above,
I’m sure they have no words more sweet
Then Home and Love.
Just Home and Love! it’s hard to guess
Which of the two were best to gain;
Home without Love is bitterness;
Love without Home is often pain.
No! each alone will seldom do;
Somehow they travel hand and glove:
If you win one you must have two,
Both Home and Love.
And if you’ve both, well then I’m sure
You ought to sing the whole day long;
It does not matter if you’re poor
With these to make divine your song.
And so I praisefully repeat,
When angels talk in Heaven above,
There are no words more simply sweet
Then Home and Love.