It was a perfect weekend for attending the Vancouver Wedding Show at the Vancouver Convention Center this past weekend; it was drizzly outside and while the leaves were falling, many couples came out to the show who are planning their 2009/2010 wedding. We met many great people and would like to thank everyone who came to visit us at the show.
A nice little additional surprise for us was seeing our booth shown and an interview with Justin featured on CTV news on Sunday night. CTV was looking at the Wedding Show to see if current concerns about the economy are having any effect on the wedding industry.
Steff and I worked really hard to get our booth organized and ready for the show and we are glad that it was so well received. The only real downside was having to sacrifice Hallowe’en night this year to be down at the Convention centre setting up, fortunately we took full advantage of The Parade of Lost Souls the weekend before which is always an artful and scarrrrry night! 🙂
If you missed us at the Vancouver Wedding Show, not to worry we will be at the Vancouver Club on November 16th for the much anticipated Lovestruck Event. I believe that tickets are still available and it promises to be a fantastic event which is not to be missed!
steff + justin