In the week leading up to Jandy and Chad’s wedding this summer, all it did was downpour with rain. While most people dream of having nice weather on their wedding day, things were not looking good. Despite the forecast, wedding-weather-dreams came to life as the skies cleared into a gorgeous blue that set the stage for a beautiful and sunny ocean side wedding. The wedding-weather fairies weren’t the only fairies busy that day, it turned out that the tooth fairies had to be called in as well! Jandy’s daughter, Asia, lost one of her front teeth just before the ceremony on the morning of the wedding! Being worried about how she would look, especially in the photographs, she made a quick adjustment and started smiling again- this time with her mouth closed:) The rest of the day went great, all the time and planning came together to produce a super summer wedding in Parksville at Tigh Na Mara Resort. Congratulations Jandy and Chad!

Pretty Filippa Scott wedding heals and wedding dress from Bisou Bridal.

Jandy looked gorgeous in her Parisian wedding dress and Chad looked fantastic in his well styled cream suit.

One of the unique details they had planned, was to have an extra special ring-bearer. They weren’t sure if she would walk straight down the aisle to meet Chad, but she did and with a great big smile and her tail wagging proudly! Sydney is Chad’s best friend and a beautiful Golden Retriever.

Best man, Chad’s brother, helping out.

Moments after their ceremony!!!

Kids being kids! 🙂

Such a beautiful bouquet!